SLV School District Perspectives


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School Board Meeting Synopsis

May 18 , 2004

Link To SLVUSD Web site Agendas and Minutes Page (Note: These are PDF files - read this if you have trouble opening them). Minutes are posted after they are approved, usually at the next regular meeting.

Note from Laura About These Synopses (Basically, I report on what I think will be most interesting to community residents. Consult the minutes for a more complete listing of what happened in the meeting.)

Organizational Updates/Announcements

Text of Item

Community Input

Century 21 brought a check for $1900 to contribute to the class-size fundraiser. They will contribute a percentage of their sales to the SLV District.

Two SLVHS graduates suggested using the Redwood grounds for "Airsoft" a popular war game played with plastic beebes. Part of the proceeds would be donated to the district. They report that 100 people were at the more recent area event, and that in the Bay Area there are shops dedicated to selling supplies for this game. They suggested that a snacks concession could bring in more money for the District. At other events, sponsors have made donations as well. Other points:

- The beebes are biodegradable
- Players are required to be at least 18 years old and wear protective gear.

A more formal proposal will be heard at a future meeting.

Public Hearings

There was a hearing on the five year deferred maintenance plan.


High School Site Plan - Progress Towards Goals

Valerie Pitts, the high school principal, gave a rundown of improvements at the high school. This year, they have been focusing on improving test scores, improving algebra, and bridging with Jr. High classes and programs. IMP classes are being phased out, with no IMP 1 class offered this fall. Next year, since there is a CST science exam for 9th grade, all freshman students will be enrolled in science classes.

The band has gone from 13 to 27 students.

There are plans in the works for a science/engineering academy, and possibly an art academy.


Two students from the GATE program at SLE gave a wonderful presentation of a video project they've been doing where they have been producing a weekly edition of the news of SLE. It was most impressive.

Action Items

Approve Coast Redwood High School's Awarding of Credits

This item was first presented at the last meeting. There was some discussion on the issue brought forward by Mr. Fultz. He was reluctant to give approval, because the present policy of the board regarding diplomas only mentions SLVHS. Although he conceded that we grant diplomas to graduates of other high school programs in the district (White Oak and Riverview), he didn't think that continuing to add to the list was good policy, rather that the policy should be revised. As it turns out, a large revision of board policies is taking place, and this one has already been through the process, but had not yet been brought forward, as the plan was to approve them all at once.

Ms. Sprenger pointed out that approving the motion would not violate current policy, but rather would set an artificial limit on the policy. Mr. Bidmon stated that he felt that the "spirit was more important than the letter" of the 19 year-old policy, and with graduation approaching it was important to take action this meeting.

The motion was approved 4-0-1, with Mr. Fultz abstaining.

Approval of Lane Sponsorship For All-Weather Track at SLVHS

Additions to proposal include rescinding sponsorship for a business subsequently found to exhibit "egregious behavior". No "awkward" sponsorships, such as companies producing products with negative effects on health.

Meeting was adjourned at around 7:15 PM.