Make an Animal or CreatureWhich is a Bank &

Make A Whistle Which Has a Face or is an Animal

For your next assignments you will be making a bank and you will be making an Ocarina/Whistle which is in the shape of an Animal or creature or human from your imagination. When you make a bank, it must be large enough to hold money and have the features of the animal sculpted out and added on to make it look like an animal. You may make a Pig, or you may make some other animal such as the examples I showed you from Colima Mexico of the dogs and birds.Look through National Geographic Magazines for Ideas or look in the library for various pictures of animals.
To Start A Bank:
The easiest way to start is to Make two pinch pots which are the same shape and join them together rim to rim by scoring them and adding slip. By joining them rim to rim you create a clay balloon which you can shape into the body of the animal which you have selected. After you have created the body and it is leather hard, you can add the legs,head, and other features of the animal. Be sure to make an air space between parts of the body or you could have your project break in the kiln. You may also paint on features of your animal with engobe, but I expect you to build on and sculpt the features as much as possible.
To Start a Ocarina/Whistle:
For your Ocarina/Whistle assignment I have a work sheet which you will need to look at to help you construct your whistle. The requirements for the Ocarina are that it must work and must play a tune. It must be in the shape of an animal or creature or it must have some sort of face. When you are ready to make a whistle, see me for the instruction sheet. Again, you may paint on features with engobe, but I expect your animal-whistle or face whistle to be sculpted as much as possible.You will get the best grade if you make a Ocarina that plays a tune. You may not get higher than a #3 if you simply make a whistle.