Design and Make a Birdhouse

Your next assignment is another use of slabs although you may combine other methods of working with clay to produce your product. Your assignment is to make a birdhouse out of clay that is usable. When designing your birdhouse, consider the following requirements and ideas

Your birdhouse must be usable
You need to include a way for your house to be hung or mounted so it may be used
You need to add detail to your house to make it look more realistic
Think of how you will design doors and windows
Think of ways to use texture to make your house look more realistic. If you press clay onto wood you will be able to get the texture of wood on your clay
Look at various designs of houses that you could possibly construct as a birdhouse
Think of various roof designs and tile or shingle designs that you could add to your birdhouse
Make your birdhouse a small replica of your actual house
Make your birdhouse look like a castle
Choose a famous building from history and make a replica as a birdhouse
Choose a modern architectural building and use some of the design elements in the construction of your birdhouse
Make a birdhouse that is futuristic and designed by you.

Before you start constructing your project I would like to see the following things.

1. Three different detailed design drawings of different birdhouse ideas ( worth 10 points)
2. Your basic pieces drawn to scale and cut out of brown paper
3. After your brown paper plan is complete you may use tarpaper and actually start constructing your project.