Make a Mug or Chalice That Commemorates an Important Event in History or Important Person from History

This assignment is to get you to think about an important event which has happened in history and commemorate the event with a mug or chalice. You could choose something which has happened in history and make a mug or chalice to document it such as World War Two , The Vietnam War, The 89 Earthquake, or any historical events which happened in Mexico.Finally, you could commemorate a famous person in history such as Pablo Picasso,George Washington, or Cesar Chavez.

How to start


Brainstorm and write down important events which have happened in history . After you have these ideas start thinking of how you would represent them on your mug or chalice remembering that you need to use symbols and sculpted images, not words.You will need to turn in a list of ten events or people from history that you could use to develop your mug along with your design ideas from step two.


Once you have decided on the event or person for your mug or chalice , start doing sketches and plans as to how you are going to make it. You may construct it in any manner you have learned so far. Making your mug by wrapping a slab around a pipe is the typical way of making a mug from slabs, but you do not have to use this method to get your product. If you are making a chalice, you could pinch out the top then form the stem. The stem should be an important part of the design which should convey what you are trying to commemorate.You will need to turn in three design plans/drawings of three different historical events or famous people with the mug you plan to construct for your final project circled.


Once you have all your plans and have turned in your proposal you may start making your mug
.Your proposal and list is worth up to 25 points

The restraints I have on your mug are:

1. You can use some words and numbers to convey important dates or the event, but it should be mostly symbolic and three dimentional.

2.You are not allowed to use any gang numbers ,symbols or graffiti.

3. You may not use anything relating to drugs or have any tasteless body parts.

4.If you have any questions please be sure to ask me.