Animal Rubric


When you look at your pig all its features are nice and smooth and well attached and all the body parts are blended in. You were able to construct your bank without help and it is an original design. Your animal has many details that make it stand out and be unique. You might have painted some of features to make them stand out better. You have placed a hole in all hollow parts so it will not blow up in the kiln. If your animal has legs on it, it stands well on those legs so it will not tip over. You took your time on this project and did not give up. Because of your concentration to detail it is very well crafted and put together. You are proud of your work and would be willing to display it in the Library for the student body to enjoy. You plan to give it to someone you care about.


Your animal looks nice, but with a little more time and effort it could look better. Your animal has a few small defects, which make it so it is not quite a five. You have all the parts of the animal, but some could have been done a bit better or some have some minor flaws. When you pick it up it is a bit heavy, you know you could have made it a bit lighter. You left out a bit of the detail of the animal such as the hooves of its feet. You are still happy with it and would be willing to display it to the student body, but you know you could do better.


You have completed the project, but the body parts are different sizes meaning they don't quite match or balance. It rocks a bit when it stands because the legs are different sizes. Your Animal could be smoothed a bit more or some of the details are not clear. Your animal doesnŐt really stand out in a group; it is simply one of a group, which basically looks the same. Your animal is heavier than it should be and some of its body parts are out of balance or proportion. With persuasion, you would be willing to display it, but you would not insist that all your friends go to look at it. You are not sure if you will fire it.


Your animal is not put together well or it may be missing some of the detail required to make it look realistic. It doesnŐt stand well, has a lot of lumps and bumps on its body and it is heavy. It has some cracks that show up on the body or where things are attached. Some things might fall off before they are fired. You didnŐt really care about the assignment, but you didn't want to get a one so you kind of tried to put something together. You would not display your work in the library and would not want your friends to see it.


You constructed a body, but that is about it, or you have a bit of detail, but it truly is not finished. You canŐt really tell what animal you were trying to make. It feels like a fishing weight when you pick it up and it is very rough. You know you need to do more work on it or you will not get a grade for this project