Invisible Architecture

The NanoWorld of Buckminster Fuller

by Bonnie Goldstein DeVarco




1. Applewhite, E. J. "The Naming of Buckminsterfullerene." The Chemical Intelligencer Vol 1 #3 July 1995. New York: Springer-Verlag.

2. Fuller, R. Buckminster. "Synergetics." Exhibition Catalog, Cooper Hewitt Museum of Design. 1976.

3. ibid.

4. Smith, D.E. History of Mathematics Vol. 1. New York: Dover Publications. 1958.

5a. Lawlor, Robert. Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice. London: Thames and Hudson. 1982, 1989.

5b. Coxeter, H.S.M. Regular Polytopes. New York: Dover Publications. 19643, 1973 p.13

6. Critchlow, Keith. "The Platonic Tradition on the Nature of Proportion." Homage to Pythagoras. New York: Lindisfarne Press. 1996.

7. Devlin, Keith J. Mathematics: The Science of Patterns. New York: Scientific American Library. 1997.

8. Field, J.V. Kepler's Geometric Cosmology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1988.

9a. Miyazaki, Koji. An Adventure in Multidimensional Space: The Art and Geometry of Polygons, Polyhedra, and Polytopes. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1986.

9b. Fuller, R. Buckminster. Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking. Volume 2 New York: Macmillan. 1979. section 1033.127.

9c. Kepler trans. Hardie, C. "The Six-Cornered Snowflake" Oxford. 1966.

10. Jean, Georges. Writing: The Story of Alphabets and Scripts. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1992.

11. Cohen, A. Album of Science: From Leonardo to Lavosier 1450-1800. New York: Scribner. 1986.

12. ibid.

13. Panovsky, Erwin. The Life and Art of Albrecht Durer. Princeton: Princeton University Press., 1943, 1971.

14. ibid.

15. Fuller, R. Buckminster. "Lightful Housing" Unpublished Manuscript. 1928

16a. Eber, Dorothy Harley. Genius At Work: Images of Alexander Graham Bell. New York: Viking Press. 1982 From An Interview with R. Buckminster Fuller in the preface. This interview can also be found online at:

16b. Coxeter, H.S.M. WW. Rouse Ball 's Mathematical Recreations and Essays. Oxford Press 1939.

16c. Ghyka, Matila. The Geometry of Art and Life. New York: Sheed and Ward. 1946

17 Fuller, R. Buckminster. Cosmography: A Posthumous Scenario for the Future of Humanity. Kiyoshi Kuromiya, Adjuvant. New York: Macmillan. 1992.

18. Caspar, Donald & Eric Fontano. "Five-fold Symmetry in Crystalline Quasicrystal Lattices. "

19a. Fuller, R. Buckminster. "Lightful Housing" Unpublished Manuscript. 1928.

19b. Einstein, Albert. "Relativity: The Special and General Theory." From Masterworks of Science. John Warren Knedler, Jr, ed. New York, NY: Doubleday. 1947.

19c. ibid.

20. Fuller, Buckminster. Presentations to Congress. "R. Buckminster Fuller Before the Senate Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations." 91st Congress S. Res. 78, March 4, 1969. p. 3

21. Fuller, R. Buckminster. "The Music of the New Life" from Music Educator's Journal. April/May 1966.

22. Fuller, R. Buckminster. Transcript of RBF's Keynote address at the Korzybski Memorial Service 1959.

23. Fuller, R. Buckminster. "Tensegrity." Portfolio & ARTnews Annual #4 1961 pp. 112-127.

24. Fuller, R. Buckminster and Robert Marks. The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller. 1960, 1973. New York: Anchor Press, Doubleday.

25. Buckminster Fuller's original 1946 prototype for the Wichita House is now being renovated by The Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan. Their Web Site is

26. Baldwin, James T. BuckyWorks: Buckminster Fuller's Ideas for Today. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996.

27. Snelson, Ken. "Snelson on the Tensegrity Invention." International Journal of Space Structures Special Issue on Morphology and Architecture. Vol. 11, Numbers 1 & 2. 1996. Nooshin, H. and Z.S. Makowski, eds. Essex, England: Multi Science Publishing Co. Ltd.

28. Ibid.

29. Ibid.

30. Fuller, R. Buckminster � private phone conversation with E.J. Applewhite. 1981.

31. Fuller, R. Buckminster. Nine Chains to the Moon. New York: Doubleday & Co. 1939, 1963, 1971.

32. Fuller, R. Buckminster -- private phone conversation with E.J. Applewhite. 1981.

33a. ibid.

34b. ibid.

34. Fuller, R. Buckminster. unpublished transcript RBF to EJA at Chez Wolf. 18 June 1971. From Synergetics Dictionary Vol. 3. Applewhite, E.J. ed. New York, NY: 1986. p. 423

35. Eco, Umberto. Travels in Hyperreality. Orlando, FL: Harvard University Press. 1989.

36. "Race to Catch a Buckyball" PBS Nova Special 1995 WGBH Educational Foundation.

37. In 1994, Dr. Fred Wudl at University of California at Santa Barbara synthesized the first form of water-soluble buckminsterfullerenes, setting the stage for their potential use in the body.

38. Applewhite, E. J. "The Naming of Buckminsterfullerene." The Chemical Intelligencer Vol 1 #3 July 1995. New York: Springer-Verlag.

39. Terra, Richard P. "Working Molecules: Progress Towards Molecular Nanotechnology" Nanothinc.Com Molecules-1.0.html

40. Smalley , Richard. "From Tubes to Ropes" Presentation to the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, S. Texas January 1996

41. ibid.

42. ibid.

43. "Virus - A Triumph and a Photograph" New York Herald Tribune. February 6, 1962.

44. "World of Buckminster Fuller ." BBC Horizons Debut Episode. 1962.

45. Urner, Kirby "The Invention Behind the Inventions" Synergetica Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 Los Angeles: Buckminster Fuller Insitute online version:

46. Smalley, Richard. "Chemistry on the Nanometer Scale - Introductory Remarks." 40th Conference on Chemical Research Nov . 1996

47. Aldersey Williams, Hugh. The Most Beautiful Molecule: The Discovery of the Buckyball. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1995.

48. "Foresight Debate With Scientific American." Foresight Insitute Web Page.

49. "Nanotechnology" Brent Lab Homepage statement

50. Pool, Robert. "Dr. Tinkertoy." Discover Magazine Online Feb. 1997.


51. Crandall, B.C., ed. Nanotechnology: Molecular Speculations on Global Abundance. Cambridge: The MIT Press. 1996. p. 94-95.

52. ibid. p. 174.

53. Baldwin, James T. BuckyWorks: Buckminster Fuller's Ideas for Today. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996. p.78

54 "Force-Carrying Web Pervades Living Cell." Science p. 678 May 2, 1997.

55. "Van Essen Looks at How Brain Helps Us See"

56. Fuller, R. Buckminster. "Proposed Patent re: Electronic Computer Energy Transformation." 1969. Unpublished transcript.

57. New York Times Science Section. November 19, 1996.

58. "Buckyball 'Transistor' Raises Nanocomputing Hopes." New Scientist. March 8, 1997.

59. "Quantum Theorists Trying to Surpass Digital Computing" New York Times Science Section, Feb 18, 1997.

60. Fuller, R. Buckminster. Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking. New York: Macmillan. 1975. sections 427.14 & 427.16

61. ibid.

62. Penrose, Roger. "Consciousness Involves Noncomputable Ingredients." The Third Culture. Brockman, Ed, ed. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1995.

63. Hameroff, Stuart. "Experimental Approaches to Quantum Consciousness"[Sept. 1996 ].

64. Evans, Arthur B. & Ron Miller. "Jules Verne, Misunderstood Visionary." Scientific American. April 1997 p. 92-97.

65. Clarke, Arthur C. The Snows of Olympus - A Garden on Mars. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. 1995.

66. ibid.

67. Smalley , Richard. "From Tubes to Ropes" Presentation to the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, S. Texas January 1996.

68. "Tentative Conclusions for Better Approaches to Historical Complexity" The Bulletin of the Santa Fe Institute. Summer 1996.

69. ibid.

70. Kelly, Kevin. Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. 1994.

71. Fuller, R. Buckminster. "Lightful Housing" Unpublished Manuscript. 1928.

72. Fuller, R. Buckminster. "Shelter Magazine November 1932 " From: 50 Years of the Design Science Revolution and the World Game Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University. 1969.

73. Baldwin, James T. BuckyWorks: Buckminster Fuller's Ideas for Today. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 1996. pp. 24-25

74. Fuller, R. Buckminster. "Lightful Housing" Unpublished Manuscript. 1928.

75. Fuller, R. Buckminster. RBF quoted in Enyclopedia Britannica article by Robert W. Marks. From Synergetics Dictionary Vol. 4. Applewhite, E.J. ed. New York, NY: 1986. p. 16


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