For a Love So Simple

The music of your soul fills my heart
A concert written on the priceless parchment of your beauty
Each note emanating from within
Proclaiming your wonder to the heavens
Your quintessential Goddess qualities exploding in a shower of rainbow colors
Your aura enveloping me within its splendor
I melt, as a candle in the summer heat
Burning desire from within
Slowly cleansing the outer grime of life's exfoliation of the inherent goodness residing in each of us and replacing it with your Goddess essence
Each time we meet, each time my eyes meet yours, I am struck yet again by the depth of love coursing through me
As a river rushing to the sea, yet within recirculating
Infusing me each day anew with a love an inspiration a yearning.
I sit upon the cliffs lining the shore and watch the sunlight etch the wavetops,
Crosshatching the sea with just a hint of your melody.
Seabirds swarm the kelp-laden bay, a bed of crimson midst the bluewhite froth
Where the gulls and pelicans play as they surf the rhythmic tide.
And I,
I have but one question as I silently gaze upon this glory
A question, or rather a statement of fact
Words strung together attempting to convey but one thought
As the touch of my hand caressing your face lingers as a phantom extension of my being
Images of you race my inner rhythm
As love for you bathes me in a spray of sweet surrender.

Copyright © 1997 by Steve Soskin All rights reserved.