Loqi Jo Loqi Jo
Berkeley, California



Here are some photos of myself...


I'm up to some bit of mischief Out in San Francisco More San Francisco At home Stepping out to tango Hop Hop Hop With two invisible friends A leaf in the school play Working on my house barefoot Super Big Surf! A special shoe-tying talent Look out below! Taking down my chimney Lowriding fun with Ducky (the bicycle) My favorite personal combustion engine



Here, look what I made...


Home-made logo abatement art: Scarab Home-made logo abatement art: Froggy Home-made logo abatement art: Angel My first attempt at balloon animals Made the papers in Chicago Blown off the road on the way home through Wyoming Those billboards are taller than they look! Lotus at Black Rock City Fun with X-Files "action" figures Fun with X-Files "action" figures Fun with X-Files "action" figures



Here, look what I wish I'd made...


A billboard in Canada