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The A-26 Invader Fights in the Pacific, Page 4

Heading West to Hawaii, Page 4

May 11, 1945 - This afternoon I gave my ship a thorough ground check and a navigator, assigned to me for just the afternoon, set the astrocompass and lined up the drift meter. Then we took the ship up for a short test hop and calibrated the compass and air speed indicator. Tonight my gunner, Earl [E.] Ziegler, and I loaded our airplane with the equipment we had drawn and our own personal luggage. There was hardly enough room to breathe in the cockpit with all the luggage.

May 12, 1945 - Today was the day we were to start our trip cross country nonstop from Savannah to Mather Field, Sacramento, California--2,580 miles. We got up about 0600, turned in our bedding and headed for operations where we were to receive final briefing. We had been sitting in operations for about 20 minutes to a half hour when Lt. Col.[Charles H.] Meyers [Jr.] came in and told us to go back and hit the sack, that the weather was too bad en route to make the flight today.

[Trip Map]
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