# To run this program: # 1. save the individual report for the whole troop to a file, e.g.: mb5.txt # 2. copy the file to an awk-capable system # 3. run 'command' # 4. cd to the target directory. (omit spaces and truncate names with ~1 format.) # 5. invoke awk: awk -f mb.awk mb##.txt > mb.htm # 6. N.B. a second file, roster.htm, will be created automatically # BEGIN { print "" > "roster.htm" print "Troop 614 Roster" > "roster.htm" print "

Troop 614 Roster

" > "roster.htm" print "" > "roster.htm" print "" print "Troop 614 Individual Progress Reports" print "" print "
/Scout:/ {
	print "" $2,$3 "
" > "roster.htm" print "
/Individual Progress/ {
	printf "**************************"
	printf "***************************"
	printf "***************************\n"
/./ {
	print $0
	print "
" > "roster.htm" print "To send email to the troop leadership, click here:" > "roster.htm" print "
"roster.htm" print "neisen@brightlink.com," > "roster.htm" print "shf406@scruza.cahwnet.gov," > "roster.htm" print "rjohnson@cup.hp.com," > "roster.htm" print "peter_l_lindberg@notes.seagate.com," > "roster.htm" print "daffleck@arc.nasa.gov," > "roster.htm" print "rbressler@prodigy.com," > "roster.htm" print "flair.goldman@ncal.kaiperm.org," > "roster.htm" print "JLCGC@aol.com," > "roster.htm" print "rogfam3@ix.netcom.com," > "roster.htm" print "dunlap-steve@vikingfreight.com," > "roster.htm" print "arrowman@surfnetusa.com," > "roster.htm" print "Gary.fry@usdoj.gov" > "roster.htm" print "\">" > "roster.htm" print "Troop 614 Leader mailing list" > "roster.htm" print "" > "roster.htm" print "
" > "roster.htm" print "
" > "roster.htm" print "To send email to the members of the troop with email access, click" > "roster.htm" print "here:" > "roster.htm" print " "roster.htm" print "adiaddi@aol.com," > "roster.htm" print "daveb@wwg.com," > "roster.htm" print "nightfal@deepthought.armory.com," > "roster.htm" print "almapi@earthlink.com," > "roster.htm" print "rbressler@prodigy.com," > "roster.htm" print "jlcgc@aol.com," > "roster.htm" print "jeanettedaw@aol.com," > "roster.htm" print "dodds@cruzio.com," > "roster.htm" print "duck@zayante.com," > "roster.htm" print "evan@integralsw.com," > "roster.htm" print "ggfry@aol.com," > "roster.htm" print "davidflair@netzero.com," > "roster.htm" print "icgc@compuserve.com," > "roster.htm" print "wdh@geodesic.com," > "roster.htm" print "dmeh@pacbell.com," > "roster.htm" print "jbjerde@webtv.com," > "roster.htm" print "greenboom@aol.com," > "roster.htm" print "zangolimbo@aol.com," > "roster.htm" print "jlkjrk@cs.com," > "roster.htm" print "caryk@aol.com," > "roster.htm" print "plindberg@surfnetusa.com," > "roster.htm" print "rcashion@cruzio.com," > "roster.htm" print "lmacminn@onr-inc.com," > "roster.htm" print "jcpalmer@gte.net," > "roster.htm" print "rogfam3@ix.netcom.com," > "roster.htm" print "rossos1@pacbell.net," > "roster.htm" print "SeaSuCrooz@aol.com," > "roster.htm" print "stclairr@linelnt1.light.ge.com," > "roster.htm" print "arrowman@surfnetusa.com," > "roster.htm" print "vanbenlomond@juno.com," > "roster.htm" print "marshall.wolf@compaq.com," > "roster.htm" print "valadez@concentric.com," > "roster.htm" print "\">" > "roster.htm" print "Troop 614 Scout mailing list" > "roster.htm" print "" > "roster.htm" print "
" > "roster.htm" print "Note: email addresses are available " > "roster.htm" print "for all Scouts. In most cases, these " > "roster.htm" print "addresses are family or parent addresses." > "roster.htm" print "To be added to the list, send mail to the " > "roster.htm" print "webmaster." > "roster.htm" print "
" > "roster.htm" print "
" > "roster.htm" # print "Pack 608 and 604 Webelos mailing list" > "roster.htm" # print "" > "roster.htm" # print "To send email to the Webelos leaders of " > "roster.htm" # print "Pack 604 and Pack 608, click here:" > "roster.htm" # print " "roster.htm" # print "rjohnson@cup.hp.com," > "roster.htm" # print "stclairr@linelnt1.light.ge.com," > "roster.htm" # print "rogfam3@ix.netcom.com," > "roster.htm" # print "dodds@cruzio.com," > "roster.htm" # print "duck@zayante.com," > "roster.htm" # print "\">" > "roster.htm" # print "Webelos Den Leader mailing list" > "roster.htm" print "" > "roster.htm" print "
" > "roster.htm" print "" > "roster.htm" print "" > "roster.htm" print "" print "" }