[spring 2003, Cabrillo, - Calculus 5C - "D"] no note-taker. DSPS acted like it was no big deal that I didn't have a note-taker.
[Physics 4A -"W"] I had no help with the homework. The instructor
insisted that I attend laboratory though I not only could not participate, but was told repeatedly by the other students, I was in the way,
I was worthless etc.. After four weeks of this treatment by my fellow students I dropped the class.
[fall 2003, Cabrillo, - Organic chemistry 12A - "A"] Good note-taker. Notes were well organized and easy to read - note-taker was "A" student.
I had no help with the homework, but completed most assignments. My grade is a relection of the fact that on the final, I received the third highest score in the class.
[Spring 2004 Physics 4A - "C", Organic chemistry 12B - "B"] The note-taker for 12 B was the same woman as in 12A easy to read notes.
For Physics 4A the
notes were acceptable, the activities in the Physics Learning Center (PLC) were okay though some were hard for me with no balance. I had no help
with the homework and did not complete most assignments. The homework for Organic Chemistry was never complete - not once.
[Summer 2004, Cabrillo, Calculus 5A - "A"] the notes were good. The note taker was one of the top students in the class. I had no help
with the homework, but managed to complete most assignments.
[fall 2004, Cabrillo, Calculus 5B - "C"] The notes tended to be hard to read. They were really scattered. I find out later this
guy is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity - either way he was an inapropriate note taker. I
solved an itegral using trigonometric substitution when the instructor thought it could only be done using partial fractions. I was
able to do that because a friend did all of the writing and I was able to think about each step.
[Spring 2005, Cabrillo, Calculus 5C - "C"] The notes were okay. I asked her to write down the homework
problems the instructor worked
on the board. she never would despite my repeated asking her. The time I spent on the homework was horrible. It seemed all I had time for was
poorly composed homework sets. I had no time to study for the midterms (3) or the final. My grade is a reflection
of the lack of time I studied for the midterms and final.
[Fall 2005, Cabrillo, Physics 4B - "C", Differential equations - "W"] I spent so much time with Physics 4B
homework that I did not have time to do homework for Differential Equations and dropped the class for the first time. Between lab and homework,
I barely had time to think. I took to sleeping in my clothes, skipping showers, sleeping in my truck etc..
[Spring 2006, Cabrillo, Differential Equations - "W", Physics 4C - "C"] notes were passable. First lab assistant dropped
out of school. Second lab assistant did not include me in the lab write-up, but always gave me a copy of stuff.
and wrote down procedure and data in my lab notebook. I dropped Differential
Equations again. I never had time to do the homework.
[Fall 2006, UCSC, Chemistry 163A (Quantum Theory) - "W"] The notes were okay, not great and I had nowhere to study or rest. I dropped the class.
[Spring 2007, Cabrillo, Differential Equations - "C", Linear Algebra - "W"] I was getting 'ground down' by
the homework in Differential Equations, but the note taker for Linear Algebra was totally irresponsible. He'd
skip class and it was my problem. The quality of the notes was really poor and it was my problem. I asked him to do a better
job and he told if I didn't like it he'd quit.
Sometimes he didn't give me the lecture notes until the following week and, again, it was my problem. I finally dropped the class.
[Fall quarter 2007, UCSC, Chemistry 163A (Quantum Theory) - "B-"] AB's notes were excellent. She went out of her way to get me copies
directly after lecture.
The notes were always clean and well written. I was able to
focus on the reading in the book. Referring to the notes when I wasn't quite sure what the book was saying. I scored a 79 on the midterm
(the class average was 59), due in
part to AB's high quality notes. The homework was a drag, but I was used to spending long hours by myself.
[Winter quarter 2008, UCSC, Chemistry 163B (Thermodynamics) -"C"] JS had a tough act to follow (AB's notes), but she did really well. The notes
were always clean and well written and she made some real effort to get them to me soon after lecture. DRC did their best to prevent this from happening,
but most of the time we were able to meet face-to-face. I am totally appreciative
of the quality of the notes and her comitment to getting them to me. The homework was a drag. Writing is really difficult for me.
[Spring quarter 2008, UCSC, Chemistry 163c (Statistical Mechanics) -"W"] the note-taker was a total flake. Her notes
did not include
stuff the instructor wrote on the board. I emailed her repeatedly, asking her to do a better job. DRC attacked me for being dissatisfied with the job she
was being paid to do.
DRC went so far as to tell me there was nothing wrong with her notes, but I had another student's notes and was able to tell them they
did not know what they were talking about.