Go to Awareness
I can not conceive of why this was allowed to happen. This is some incomphrehesible stuff. I became aware of what he had done to me April 13, 2008,
slightly less than 39 years after he attacked me. My mind had incompletely blocked it out. He threatened to kill my brother and sister if I told anyone, so I forgot, but
something was always eating me. There was always something, just out of conciousness, whispering I was no good and despicable.
It freaked me out, to be close to a woman. I did not know why - at last I do.
My father was a diagnosed schizophrenic, they knew
he was crazy and, yet, he was allowed to run amok.
Parents are supposed to protect their children
from evil. My father, instead, introduced me to evil.
I know if Mom had been diagnosed as schizophrenic, she would
never have been allowed to visit her children without supervision.
I have created poetry as a means for me to try to come to grips with
a reality that children should never experience.
The links to the poems are on the left. The road to healing has not been easy. It is a journey that will take a lifetime. The 'Recovery'
page is still being worked on.