American Cruiser can be had for less then 1/10th the cost of a Windcheetah, but it is not as agile. My Windcheetah has some
parts that could be better designed. The original seat was hot and uncomfortable and it's suspension made my ClubSport very
to control, the original fairing was opaque and hid road debris,
the steering and fenders were less then ideal. The steering caused me to crash and I was almost run over by a truck
because of sand on the roadway.
My ClubSport is the most expensive and the fastest trike I have ridden.
There is Greenspeed in Austalia
There is Catrike in Florida
There is Trice in England
There is Angeltech in Colorado
There is Tri Sled in Australia
There is American Cruiser These are inexpensive.
There is Mr Recumbent in Australia
There is Trimuter in Illinois