UCSC V-World Tour- A Work in Progress

Cowell & Stevenson

The Cowell College Campus modules are staging online in Active Worlds. The student building team will soon arrange these modules in the Virtual UCSC World.   Architectural features in Cowell College, such as the trellis, have been carefully documented so the architects can render them realistically.
The layered roof and cupola (awaiting final detailing) on the top of Cowell's dining Hall are rendered as realistically as possible.   Photographs of actual surfaces throughout the campus are carefully texture mapped onto building modules. The "feel" of the campus is thus conveyed in the Virtual UCSC.

  Even the picnic tables, benches, trash cans, doors and railings are important features that capture the "feel" of Cowell College.
  Stevenson College -- already half built -- has an entirely different style of trellis than Cowell College. Its window frames, columns and trellises are rendered as close to the original as possible.

  Stevenson's characteristic benches and street lamps bring the Virtual Stevenson to life. Many more items are to come, including trees and landscape items, walkways, stairs and artworks such as sculptures and murals.
  Porter College's sculpture, "The Wave" has already been constructed using the original as a reference.
  The color of of the sculpture is matched to the original and its scale is tested by looking at its relationship to an avatar. Yes, it looks pretty close!!

The team meets in the virtual Cowell for an intensive group session. Bonnie later confers with architects Zg and Henrik in the Stevenson quad - they stop to smile for the camera!!!


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