Emerging Technologies in Education
I have been an education technology consultant
to non-profit, corporate and educational organizations for the past 15 years.
I have helped to develop multi-institutional programs for distance and media
enhanced learning for the University of California Office of the President and
the K-12 and have been a research and development consultant for the UC College
Prep Initiative, one of the first statewide virtual high school programs since
1998. Four years ago I founded the VLearn3D initiative, an international networking
hub for educators using multi-user environments to enhance the learning process.
Other clients include UC Santa Cruz, Stanford University, UCLA, Cornell University,
San Diego and Imperial County Boards of Education, RedAppleOnline, and DigitalSpace.
In addition to producing a broad range of educational
media, I have regularly produced conferences and events in cyberspace and in
distributed physical locations around the world through Telascience.org, VLearn3D.org,
UC Santa Cruz's "Tech Innovation" program, UCLA, the Los Angeles Festival and
the Buckminster Fuller Institute. I lecture worldwide on the culture of cyberspace
and innovative learning technologies. From 1989 to 1995 I was chief archivist
for the Buckminster Fuller Archives, recently acquired by Stanford University.
Currently I am collaborating on the creation of the Telascience Institute, a
hybrid alliance of government, non profit organizations, educational institutions
and corporations that provides new opportunities for telecollaboration, visualization,
research, education and environmental action using advanced satellite and network
technologies, visualization and open source tools.
| University-Based Work | Virtual
Worlds | Buckminster Fuller | Events/Publications
| Other
Blocks for Virtual Worlds"
August. 2002 to April 2003
Investigator with Katy Borner and Margaret Corbit, for the research
project, "Design Principles for Virtual Worlds in Education."
This project is funded by a seed grant from the Center
for Innovative Learning Technologies (CILT).
Leadership Committee, Teacher Workshop Series
Fall 2001 to present
Continued development of teacher workshops, mentoring and events in
LinkWorld, art, language and history events, and CollegeQuest, a virtual
counseling center and college preparation game for participants of the
Borderlink Project in San Diego
and Imperial Counties.
Burke's Knowledge Web Project
2001 to 2003
for Graphics User Interface Design (GUI) and co-produced an 8-minute
media demo of the K-Web vision with James Burke and Virtual World Studios.
at the Exploratorium
June 10, 2002
QuantumVIZ - Social Networks, Planetary Visualization & Dynamic InfoScapes
- 2D, 3D, N-D" - a multi-venue event for leaders of the field of information
technology, geospatial visualization and global ecology.
- Online Writing Institute
Development consultant for the University of California Writing Insitute,
a multi-institutional collaborative funded by the University of California
Teaching, Learning and Technology Center. In addition, co-designer (with
Marian McNamee) of site, logo and graphics.
Continued direction and development of the Vlearn3D initiative of
the Contact Consortium with roundtables, conferences, research projects,
online library, tour and event worlds. Co-Produced VLearn3D
2000 and VLearn3D
2001 conferences in cyberspace.
UC College Prep Initiative
January 1999 to 2002
r esearch, content production, design and support for the web site and
early development of the UCCP Initiative. This project is funded by the
University of California Office of the President and provides online college
preparatory courses for high school students who otherwise would not have
the opportunity to become eligible or competitively eligible for admission
to the University of California.
High School Feasibility Study
Spring 1998 to Winter 1998
Feasibility Study Team based at University of California, Santa Cruz.
[This project was funded and debuted in Spring, 1999 as the UCCP - UC
College Prep Initiative]
Innovation 2000
Spring and Fall 2000
Special Projects Consultant, launched one-year program through UCSC's
Faculty Instructional Technology Center. This program features innovative
learning technologies and innovators in the fields of distance learning,
visualization and computer mediated education. "EarthVIZ"
was the Kick-off event held on May 25th, 2000
Global Communities through E-Learning, Collaboratories and Knowledge
October 13 & 14, 2000
Production of the second two-day multi-venue conference and workshop
was presented as part of the Tech Innovation 2000 series that featured
20 speakers and hands-on workshops with leading edge collaboration technologies
in education.
Tertia - Web Development
Fall 1999
resource links and syllabus for web development for UC Santa Cruz Internship
Program. Links include resources on navigation, web design using photoshop
and Dreamweaver2, research sites, copyrights and netiquette and trends
in interactivity.
Santa Cruz Faculty Association
August 1998 to present
and production of a web site for the Santa Cruz Faculty Association.
This site features an archive of information and links to UC faculty
association newsletters, updates and members.
Worlds & Education
- The UCSC Virtual World Tour Project
1998 to 2002
Director, I spearheaded the partnership of a group of UCSC students
with the 3D architects of Active
Art Design in London to develop the first 3D, realistic and to-scale
version of the UCSC campus for prospective students. This project,
which served as a virtual collaborative education experiment, was
commissioned by the Admissions Dept. of the University of California,
Santa Cruz (OASAS). It is linked to more than 40 of the main home
pages on the UCSC Campus.
Virtual High School"
March to June 1998
director, conceptualizer, content provider and networker, I spearheaded
the development of the 3D Virtual High School demonstration Module
in Active Worlds. This module, built by Active Art Design and hosted
by Bruce Damer and Stuart Gold in TheU, features an office with office
hours, Spanish Wing, Science Lab with a chemistry simulation in the
"Student WebQuest Wing," and a gallery show on Geometry and Art.
Track - Avatars '98
Chair of the Educators' Track of the Avatars '98, I coordinated and
facilitated an education speaker track which took place in a virtual
world with real-time slide shows. This track featured educators and
students from Cornell University, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization,
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, UCSC and the University of
Cincinnati. See the transcripts at the link on the left.
Track - Avatars 99
1998 to present
a Board Member of the Contact Consortium presently in charge of the
Educational Mission -- "V-Learn," I chaired the Educator's
speaker track entitled "Evaluating the Performance Value of Virtual
Worlds in Education." This track featured a poster session, a
panel with researchers and practitioners discussing case studies and
the latest research on 3D virtual learning spaces and their relevance
to education.
December 1998 to present
a Board Member of the Contact Consortium, I am presently spearheading
with Margaret Corbit the educational mission of the Contact Consortium
-- "V-Learn3D." The mission of the V-Learn Initiative is
to identify Individuals and institutions who have made a commitment
to using shared virtual spaces in educational settings and provide
a much-needed worldwide network hub for these individuals and institutions
by offering an evolving V-LEARN annotated resource center online.
BioLearn - Virtual World
February 1999 to present
and produced a 3D world with Active
Art Design for Greg Steltenpohl. This world is a companion to
the proposed Bioregional Learning Center of N. California Coast and
features galleries with global information, cyberlife and lifeform
galleriers and a true to life coastal area with a kelp forest and
a cliffside learning center.
Linkworld - Virtual World
January 2000 to present
and produced "LinkWorld" a 3D world with Active
Art Design for the San Diego and Imperial County Boards of Education.
This world will be used for mentoring, counseling and course support
for high school students taking online Advanced Placement Courses.
Continue development, implementation and events in LinkWorld. SEE
the Work of R. Buckminster Fuller
- The Language of Art and Science"
August 1998 to present
with designers from Active Art Design in London, I curated and developed
interactive content for a show on Geometry and Art for the Virtual High
School. This fully interactive 3D gallery linked to more than 40 web
pages can be visited at TheU and Zg world in Active Worlds. See storyboard
of this gallery at the link on the right.
Facts & Artifacts" Buckminster Fuller's Archive - PBS page
essay, featured in the PBS "Thinking Out Loud" companion site
to the American Masters Special (which debuted in 1996) presents an
extensive overview of Buckminster Fuller's lifetime experiment -- his
archive. Fuller's archive is considered the "most extensive personal
archive in existence." This web site is now a permanent part of
the PBS online archive.
Air-Ocean World Map" - PBS page
essay on Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Map and the philosophy behind
it was featured in the PBS "Thinking Out Loud" companion site
to the American Masters Special which debuted in 1996. This web site
is now a permanent part of the PBS archive pages.
Architecture - The NanoWorld of Buckminster Fuller"
August 1997
and producer of a grant-funded 60-page essay linked to more than 200
unique sites on the WWW. "Invisible Architecture places Buckminster
Fuller into a contemporary context by juxtaposing the relevance of his
ideas to some of the newest technological advances of the latter part
of this century - including the newest work on buckminsterfullerene
and nanotechnology.
Game Institute's NetWorld Game
- January 1997
part of the production team of World Game Institute's online global game
funded by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, I produced the link section
which acts as a "Global Researcher's Toolkit" featuring over
200 annotated links to pages on environmentalism and sustainability, Embassies
worldwide, The United Nations and other NGO's, Amnesty International and
other global linktanks and thinktanks.
Events, Presentations & Publications
- "Building Blocks for Virtual Worlds: Design principles
for a starter kit
for educational virtual worlds." - Funded by a Center For Innovative
Learning Technologies (CILT) Grant Design Principles.
- "Annotated Survey of Virtual High Schools Multimedia
Centers, University-based Content Providers for Distance Learning"
UC Office of the President 2002
- Annotated Survey of information visualization technologies
and design principles research for the James Burke Knowledge Web Project
(for NSF grant) 2001/2002
- Special Reports - "Online Learning Report and
Recommendations" and "History and Evolution of Education Portals
on the World Wide Web" RedAppleOnline 2001
- Virtual High School Feasibility Study
- "The Global Classroom of Cyberspace"
Emerging Technologies Pavilion, ThinkQuestLIVE Exploring the Future
of Learning" July 2002 http://www.thinkquestlive.org
- "3D Multi-user Virtual Worlds for
Education: Knowledge Building in the Vlearn3D.org Community" CSCL
2002- Computer Support for Collaborative Learning 2002 - Foundations
for a CSCL Community www.cscl2002.org
- WCETs 13th International Conference - Western
Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)s eRevolution@edu
New Policies, Practices, Services
- http://www.wiche.edu/wcet/events/conference/2001/index.csclhtm
- "SciCentr and Biolearn: Two 3D Implementations
of CVE Science Museums" Collaborative Virtual Environments - CVE
2000 September, 2000 http://www.ai.sri.com/cve2000/
- "Avatars and VLearn3D" CONTACT
Cultures of the Imagination 1999, 00 & 01 http://www.cabrillo.cc.ca.us/contact/
- Online Learning 2000 http://www.onlinelearning2000.com/
- "Bridging people-intelligence via telecommunication
and other technologies" 3rd International Cognitive
Technology Conference Cti99
- "Virtual Worlds, Avatars & Communities"
VirComm 99
- Education
- 4-part overview of Buckminster Fuller's approaches to Education
and their intersection with Education Technology on the leading edge
in the new millenium. September 2002
- SciCentr and BioLearn: Two 3D Implementations of
CVE Science Museums Proceedings of the Third International Conference
on Collaborative Virtual Environments September 2000
- Virtual Reality on a Desktop Hailed as New Tool
in Distance Education October 6, 2000, Chronicle of Higher Education
- Tours and More at V-UCSC About.com 2000
- Class in a 3D Lecture Hall Nov. 9 2000, New
York Times
- Virtual UCSC Campus stakes out some 3-D acreage
in cyberspace March 8, 1999, Santa Cruz Sentinel
- Metaphors of Geometric Proportion Ceramics Monthly,
April 2000
- Invisible Architecture The NanoWorld
of Buckminster Fuller (hyperlinked to 200 sites on the web) 1997
- Life, Facts & Artifacts
1996 WNET's Thinking Out Loud Web Site http://www.wnet.org:80/bucky/devarco.html
- Dymaxion Air-Ocean World Map 1996
- Thinking Out Loud Web Site http://www.thirteen.org/bucky/dymap.html
- Buckminster Fuller Centennial Calendar
Pomegranate Publications, released in Fall, 1994
- BuckyWorks by Jay Baldwin. John Wiley &
Sons March 1996
- Trimtab Bulletin Managing Editor, Associate
Editor, September 1991 to June 1995
- Synergetica Journal 1992 Editorial Board
- UCLA Journal of Dance Ethnology Associate Editor,
Spring 1990 to Autumn 1993
- Educator's Annotated Reference: the Arts and Culture
of Bali 1990 L.A. Festival - Friends Across the Ocean Teacher
Resource Packet
1996 to present
in charge of text, concept and editing (and assisting in design and
production) of a unique digital portfolio for Bobby Jaber, porcelain
artist. Jaber's innovative combination of science and art features
many series of artworks that celebrate and are dedicated to scientists,
physicists, mathematicians and woman scientists from all periods of
Prince, of Sorts
October 1998 to 2002
and production of a site for author Regina Adams featuring a down-to-earth
and delightful fictionalized account of the biblical story of Joseph
and Mary and their journey to Bethlehem.
1998 to 99
Producer, Director, Design, Writer I spearheaded the development of
a core site for gardening and environmental resources for K-12. This
site was commissioned by the United Services Agency (USA) as a home
site for the Santa Cruz Service Corps.
Hypatia (under construction)
Science Consortium (under construction)