Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys
episode guide

Updated on 1 July 1997

Episodes are listed in chronological order, rather than original air order. Thanks to series creator Gordon Bressack for his assistance.

Air dates represent U.S. broadcasts.

Click on an episode name for a synopsis.

   Regular cast:

Jerry Doyle . . . . . . as Captain Chuck Simian
Karen Maruyama. . . . . as Shao Lin
Maurice LaMarche. . . . as Dr. Splitz/Splitzy
Dom Irrera. . . . . . . as Spydor
James Avery . . . . . . as Gor-illa
Jeff Glen Bennett . . . as Orbitron
Michael Dorn. . . . . . as Lord Nebula
Malcolm McDowell. . . . as Rhesus 2

Holo-boons are performed by LaMarche and Bennett.

Episode 1
Yes, We Have No Bananas
Story by Gordon Bressack and Rob Hudnut
Teleplay by Gordon Bressack
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: September 7, 1996

Guest voice: Oliver Muirhead as The "         "

"The higher a monkey climbs,
the more you can see of its behind."

Saint Bonaventure

Episode 2
Yes, We Still Have No Bananas
Story by Gordon Bressack and Rob Hudnut
Teleplay by Gordon Bressack
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: September 7, 1996

"No monkey is an island..."

John Donne

Episode 3
Written by Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: September 14, 1996

"For monkeys rush in
where angels fear to tread."

Alexander Ape

Episode 4
The Monkey Has Landed
Written by Mark Seidenberg and Gordon Bressack
Directed by David Schwartz

Air date: September 14, 1996

Guest voice: Andrea Thompson as Lilith

"If you can't be
with the ape you love,
love the ape you're with"


Episode 5
Gorilla My Dreams
Story by Martin Olson and Gordon Bressack
Teleplay by Martin Olson
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: September 21, 1996

Guest voice: Oliver Muirhead as Grxylpk and The "         "

"                              "

The "           "

Episode 6
Written by Nick Sagan
Directed by David Schwartz

Air date: November 2, 1996

Guest voice: Frank Welker as Apax

"Kinguering Congs their titles take."

William Archibald Spooner

Episode 7
Splitzy's Choice
Written by Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: September 21, 1996

"He ain't heavy, he's my monkey."

Monkey Rooney

Episode 8
Invasion of the Banana Snatchers
Story by Gordon Bressack and Beth Slick
Teleplay by Beth Slick
Directed by David Schwartz

Air date: November 9, 1996

"A banana in the hand
is worth two in the foot."


Episode 9
Repo Ape
Written by Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: October 5, 1996

"The real problem is not whether
machines think but whether
monkeys do."

B.F.D. Skinner

Episode 10
Lawnmower Ape
Written by Alan Swayze and Gordon Bressack
Directed by David Schwartz

Air date: November 16, 1996

"Cogito Ergo Thumb."

Magilla Descartes

Episode 11
Monkey in the Middle
Story by Gordon Bressack
Teleplay by Marlowe Weisman and Laraine Arkow
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: November 23, 1996

"A monkey must be a little mad
if he does not want to be even
more stupid."


Episode 12
The Apes of Wrath
Written by Richard Mueller and Gordon Bressack
Directed by David Schwartz

Air date: February 1, 1997

"I came,
I saw,
I ate a banana."

Holo-boon 3462/83B

Episode 13
Plan Ape From Outer Space
Written by Lynn Mills & Jimmy Huston and Gordon Bressack
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: November 30, 1996

Guest voice: Ellen Gerstell as Doctor Kleb

"A fool may talk,
but a wise monkey speaks."

Ben (Zippy) Jonson

Episode 14
Mind Over Monkey
Written by Martin Olson and Gordon Bressack
Directed by Joe Pearson

Air date: February 8, 1997

"We have nothing to fear
but a psychotic monkey
with a bomb"

Franklin D. Rhesus

Episode 15
Monkey Puzzle Man
Written by Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy
Directed by Joe Pearson

Air date: January 25, 1997

"Never give a monkey
an even break or
smarten up a chimp."

W.C. Veldts

Episode 16
Planet of the Humans
Written by D.C. Fontana
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: February 15, 1997

Guest voice: Jerry Houser as Larnus and Tronus

"Is man an ape or an angel.
I, my lord, I am on the side
of the angels."

Benjamin Disraeli

Episode 17
Felonious Monks
Written by Christy Marx
Directed by David Schwartz

Air date: March 1, 1997

Guest voice: Frank Welker as Apax

"No man is above the law
and no monkey is below it."

Theodore Roosejungle

Episode 18
Little House on the Primate
Written by Laraine Arkow and Marlowe Weisman
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: February 22, 1997

Guest voice: Ellen Gerstell as Commander Gril

"...Thus every monkey in his kind,
is bit by him that comes behind."

Jonathan (Bonzo) Swift

Episode 19
The Maltese Monkey
Written by Pamela Hickey & Dennys McCoy and Gordon Bressack
Directed by David Schwartz

Air date: April 19, 1997

Guest voice: Tress MacNeille as Vel-Dar Vane

"I distrust a closed-minded monkey."

Sidney Greenfeet

Episode 20
Rhesus Pieces
Story by Gordon Bressack and D.C. Fontana
Teleplay by D.C. Fontana
Directed by John Fox

Air date: May 3, 1997

Guest voice: David Warner as The Glyph

"No Ape is Wise Enough
By Himself."

Titus Moncius Plautus
254-184 B.C.

Episode 21
Escape From the Plant of the Apes
Written by Laraine Arkow and Marlowe Weisman
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: April 26, 1997

Guest voice: Rene Auberjonois as The Gardener

"For one sweet ape who will
the vine destroy."

William Shakespeare
The Ape of Lucrece

Episode 22
A Clockwork Orang
Story by Gordon Bressack and Rob Hudnut
Teleplay by Rob Hudnut
Directed by David Schwartz

Air date: May 10, 1997

"Love virtue...
She can teach you how to climb."


Episode 23
Surf Monkeys Must Dive!
Written by Laraine Arkow and Marlowe Weisman
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: May 17, 1997

"Underwater apes shall walk,
Shall ride, shall sleep, and talk..."

Monkey Shipton

Episode 24
The Mandrill Who Knew Too Much
Written by Gordon Bressack
Directed by John Fox and Joe Pearson

Air date: June 7, 1997

Guest voices:
David Carradine
as Mandrax
Oliver Muirhead as The "         "

"On what tail dare he aspire?
What the foot dare seize the fire?"

William Bubbles Blake

Episode 25
Ape-pocalypse Now!
Written by Gordon Bressack
Directed by David Schwartz and Joe Pearson

Air date: June 14, 1997

"No man is a hero
to his monkey"

Anne Bigtoe Cornuel

Episode 26
Ape-pocalypse... A Little Later!
Written by Gordon Bressack
Directed by Bradley Rader

Air date: June 21, 1997

Guest voice: David Carradine as Mandrax

"The Moving Toe writes
and having writ,
Moves on..."

The Rubaiyat of
Omon Keyyam

End of series

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