Paul G. Franklin Information Technology Consulting

My years of experience studying privacy and data security can help protect you from losing your data and from ID theft.
You can benefit from best practices in order to minimize your risk of exposure of email messages, contact lists and personal photos.
Computer running slow? It could be mechanical - simply a throttled CPU due to clogged cooling vents, or your system could be infected with software that is busy making money for someone else.
Let me audit your system(s) to insure maximum usability with minimum risk of infection.
Configuration - Adapting your computing devices to conform to your needs, habits and lifestyle by installing applicable software and modifying the device's default settings, preferences & icons.
Integration - Adjusting your computer, tablet, phone & devices to work seamlessly with each other and with services: email, social media, cloud, server accounts, etc.
Security - Verifying the use of comprehensive security software and encryption, with tutoring in the best practices so as to minimize the risks of exposure and loss of email messages, contact lists, cloud and local data and the risk of ID theft. Minimum password length: 20.
Maintenance and Contingency Planning - Minimizing risk of data loss while maximizing Return On Investment as defined by long-term, consistently reliable usability of your computers & devices. It is also insuring access to your data when these devices fail or go missing.
About Security - Are you wondering whether your computers and computing devices are sufficiently protected against malicious software? Against intrusion and infiltration? I can audit your computer & IT infrastructure.
About Privacy - Is your and your client's confidential data sufficiently protected / encrypted from those who would copy it and list it for sale on the dark web? I can secure it and train your staff to maintain and implement diligent computer security standards.
About Maintenance - Most laptop and iMac-type all-in-one computers are designed for convenience and appearance at the expense of long-term functionality. As their cooling systems get clogged with dust, they run hotter and slow down to keep from burning up. An effective maintenance plan includes thorough cleaning out of these cooling pathways, and use of external cooling trays to extend the time between internal cleanings.
About Data Integrity - Your phone, tablet or computer was just lost, stolen or damaged, or your files have all been replaced with encrypted versions in a ?ransom-ware? attack. To insure that you don't lose your original documents, photographs, videos, music and email history, I can install and set up software for automatic backup to local devices, such as an external hard drives or flash (thumb) drives, or to a cloud service, or both, so that you can get back to work with minimal drama after replacing the relevant hardware and/or disinfecting your system.
Flexible Schedule • Reasonable Rates • Happy Clients
Employed as a computer technical specialist since 1982
Call or write today with questions, comments or to schedule a consultation!
Contact me to find out about qualifying for a discounted security consultation.
(831)295-8280 24/7/365
Post Office Box 7590, Santa Cruz, California 95061-7590