They were the most beautiful men and women I had ever seen
They claimed to come overnight to Earth from Pleiades
That's impossible, I scoffed
The Pleiades are five hundred light years away
No energy known could bring you so far, so fast
I showed them the physics: they just laughed.
They crowded against me laughing
They touched me all over
I was frightened and curious at the same time
They pressed their warm hands against my skull
So I could feel their bodies vibrating like big purring cats
The sound from their palms spread thru my head, down my neck
Into my torso, my backbone, my pelvis and down thru my legs
The sound from their palms divided into thousands of separate vibrations--multiple
rivers that burrowed into my flesh till I could feel every cell in my body
throbbing together in warm synchronous spasms. It was utterly delicious;
I loved it. I was overwhelmed, so swept away by this alien body-music that
I could barely pay attention to what they were doing with the rest of me.
I would have called it an enema except I know that I do not have that many
openings down there. Also they penetrated my veins with tiny needles, entering
my blood stream in dozens of places. They shoved tubes up my nose, into
my ears, under my fingernails, between my toes; they re-opened my cranial
sutures, re-attached my umbilical cord, and thru these new entrances into
my body they drained out toxins, horrible black fluids--I could feel them
leaving--and pumped in liquid delights, aromatic pleasure fluids, warm,
sweet-tasting liquids pulsing in time to their whole-body music. It was
utterly delicious--this alien medical science--I loved it. I was overwhelmed,
so swept away by the sensation of masses of pulsating fluids leaving and
entering my body thru so many gates at once that I could barely pay attention
to what the aliens were doing with the rest of me.
In velvet darkness, in warm black antigravity I floated as beautiful luminescent
men and women bent over me gazing into my eyes. O those deep alien eyes!
I could not look away. Never have I felt such strange intelligence, such
deep sorrow, such raw animal power as flowed from their alien eyes. And
they were touching me all over with slippery electric fingers and using
their mouths, their snouts, their tendrils and vibrissas--O my--enfolding
their bodies into mine in ways I had never dreamed possible--O my--what
was happening between us was terrifying, was incomprehensible, was utterly
delicious; I loved it. I was overwhelmed, so swept away by tingling intimate
palpations of dozens of alien love organs that I could barely pay attention
to the bone-deep body music, to the multi-orificed two-way enemas and to
the irresistable telepathic message slowly taking shape inside my mind:
a message to me in English from my new teachers, from my galactic doctors,
from my cosmic sex partners from the Pleiades.
Hello Nick, the message began.
We come from the stars
We come from the stars
We have no ships
We travel from mind to mind
As you open your heart
We enter your body
As you open your heart
We enter your imagination
As you open your heart
We enter your dreams
We seek fresh eyes
Thru which to view new beauties
We seek new playmates
We seek new dance partners
We seek new companions
To explore the Milky Way.
Our purpose on Earth
Is to expand your capacity for pleasure
We come from the stars
We have no ships
We travel from mind to mind
We have no ships
We travel from mind to mind.