Labor of Love Midwifery

Family Birth in the Loving Environment of Your Home

Labor of Love Midwifery Yawning Baby

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Halimah Martin, CNM

Halimah Martin has been involved in birth since the 1970's, birthing 4 of her 5 children at home and assisting many others to birth at home as well. She also has hospital experience, working as a labor and delivery nurse for 7 years. She graduated from the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing in Kentucky. She sees birth as a natural event to be supported in natural surroundings, not as a medical event in an institution. She views her midwife role as a teacher of health and wellness, a guardian of safety for mother and baby, and a facilitator and supporter of the natural process of pregnancy and birth for each woman. She is also repeatedly humbled by the beautiful, exquisite mystery and power of mothers bringing forth their babies into the world.

E-mail: Halimah Martin

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