resource center

Cultural Work

resource center
Benefit for the Resource Center For Nonviolence in Santa Cruz, also pictured: Charlie King and members of the musical group Mariposa.

David has appeared at many peace and justice events through the years "Singer-songwriter David Winters brought the house down with his pointed spoofs" (People's Weekly World)

On the picket line with Teamsters, UPS strike 1997 Lovejoy/SC Sentinel

Labor Culture

AFM International Delegate, addressing the 2001 AFL-CIO Convention

David has been program coordinator for the annual Western Workers Labor Heritage Festival since it began in 1986. He has organized and performed as part of cultural programs for many labor gatherings such as the 29th World Congress of the International Metalworkers Federation ("an absolute, an overwhelming success" - M. Malentacchi, Gen-Sec IMF; "the IMF family is a great admirer of your art...Your musical presentation was indeed an outstanding performance" - B. Arnaud, IMF Admin). David has taught innovative vocal and music workshops at the Great Labor Arts Exchange in Washington, DC, and at the Western Workers Labor Heritage Festival; and he has done several presentations on Labor's Cultural Heritage for the AFL-CIO's Union Summer Program. In 1994 David was invited to join a delegation of 15 US labor cultural activists to tour Sweden as guests of the Swedish labor movement. David is Treasurer of Musicians Union Local 153, one of the AFM's Delegates to the AFL-CIO Convention, 3 time Chair of the AFM's TEMPO (PAC) Committee and past Secretary-Treasurer of the Santa Cruz County Central Labor Council. sweden
Swedish Labor Culture Tour, with Kent Wong, Anne Feeney, Mikael Elsila, Shelley Kessler, and others

With Dolores Huerta of the UFW

Freedom Song Network, Watsonville/UFW March for Justice, 1997, International Musician

Labor history, the places and ways of work, the skills and processes of workers, the lives and issues of working people are all part of labor culture. These elements can be highlighted in the arts produced by, for and about working people.
Examples of writing, music, performance and visual art abound in the histories of unions and labor struggles. Art has always been part of organizing - it is important to acknowledge, promote, and utilize the arts in the movement for workers' rights - for peace and justice.
The goals of labor culture activism are to encourage participation in the arts, bring art to the workplace, and foster the notion of work as a cultural act. Culture in the larger sense of lifestyle very much involves work, which ideally is positively integrated with the other aspects of a person's life.

Labor Day Picnic, 2002 Hannula/RegisterPajaronian

The arts present positive ways of interfacing with other workers and labor groups internationally. The arts help bring people together, vividly show history, facilitate learning and inspire action. Artistic expression can deal with complex and divisive issues in positive and intriguing ways.
Songs on picket lines, skits at rallies, posters, cartoons, newsletters - the arts remain a vital tool in building the labor movement. By travelling, experiencing first hand, meeting face to face, freely exchanging ideas, creating and performing together, we can explore and find ways to build unity among working people across all kinds of borders.

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