DRIVE-BY BOOKS and BROADSIDES are filled with poetry, fiction
ENDLESS is a collection of stories and poems with articles
GOD'S BAR: un*plugged: An occasionally-published zine
GRIFT by Michael McNeilley. Published by God's Bar Press, New York
HAPPY KITTY 'zine is filled with rants, poetry, photos, fiction,
IMPETUS is a somewhat quarterly magazine of poetry, artwork
in the Electric Shadows - a new book of blues poetry by JJ Webb.
Lilliput Review, is tiny, weird and wonderful. LR comes out
NERVE COWBOY, a brand-new journal of nontraditional poetry
THE OLYMPIA REVIEW combines writings from legends of
PENNY DREADFUL REVIEW, 70+ pages, published quarterly.
PO'Fly language~arts news'zine (est. 1994). Only thru knowledge &
PRESS OF CIRCUMSTANCE, 312 E. 43rd St., #103,
think -- A Quarterly Newspaper of Literary and Visual Art --
TOMORROW MAGAZINE, published since 1982, takes its name
Cokefish, Fahrenheit 451, and other fine publications, including a list
of chapbooks by some of America's finest. They like poetry with attitude
and voice, and honor their Beat roots. Send submissions, or SASE for
a catalog of current publications. Alpha Beat Press, 31A Waterloo Street,
New Hope, PA 18938.
and rants for our apocalyptic age. Get a sample book for $2 CASH
PLEASE (or checks to Robert W. Howington). Add $1 and get all 8
b'sides. 4405 Bellaire Drive South #220, Ft Worth, TX
76109-5103, Email: You can
see DRIVE-BY BOOKS on the World Wide Web at this URL:
and pictures sprinkled in... a poetic journal surrounded by and based
on all the dull aspects of life. It's never what you thought it would be. . .
incorporating absent thought and concentrated reason... an
amusing world of pure emotion... glanging at the rules of wrong and
right... letting you choose how you feel and what you say, Opinions ~
stories ~ poetry ~ words and normal to abnormal feelings and views
Endless is available to you for the simple price of $2 or $1.50
and 2 stamps to Shantia Johnson. PO box 149, Delaware City, DE
19706, or contact
of simple format & lots of poetry...a literary mag "by and for
disenfranchised computer bulletin board poets," big on short
narratives. Publishes broadsides as a regular supplement; publishes
chapbooks. Click here for more information. Virgil Hervey,
112 Dover Pkwy., Stewart Manor, NY 11530, or
City. With art by Brooks McNeilley. Signed copies still available for $4
ppd. from Olympia Review, 3430 Pacific Ave, Ste. A-6254, Olympia,
WA 98501. Email: Click here for sample selections.
sex, drugs and art. Virgil Hervey, editor of GOD'S BAR: un*plugged,
calls HAPPY KITTY "a masterpiece." Get a copy of your own for
only $3 CASH PLEASE (or money orders to Crista C. Williams).
4405 Bellaire Drive South #220, Ft Worth, TX 76109-5103.
Submissions solicited. Email:
& related reviews, news of such, starting its 12th year. You can get a
copy for $5.00 from Cheryl A Townsend, 4975 Comanche Trail, Stow,
OH 44224. Annual Erotica and Female Only issues are out & available
for $4.00 each.
"Poetry to protect the guilty." $10 tax/postage pd. from da Vinci Media,
391 Redwood Dr., Felton, CA 95018. Email:
For sample selections from in the Electric Shadows, Click here
12 times a year (mailed bi-monthly), alternating between regular issues
and broadsides featuring single poets. Submit a maximum of 3 poems,
(previously unpublished unless otherwise noted) of 10 lines or less,
with SASE. Pays 2 copies...reports in 1-8 weeks. Subscriptions $10 for
15 issues, $5 for 6 issues, or $1 (...or SASE...or 2 stamps) for a sample
copy. Checks to Don Wentworth, 282 Main St., Pittsburgh, PA 15201
and fiction, is looking for submissions. Nerve Cowboy is open to
most forms, styles and subject matter, though there is a bias toward
accessible work that depicts the absurd nature of the human experience.
In short, we want the writer to find that raw nerve and ride it through
the fog like a good cowboy should. Please send poems, stories
up to 5 pages, and black & white drawings along with an SASE
to Joseph Shields and Jerry Hagins at P.O. Box 4973, Austin, TX
78765. Editors respond to manuscripts in 2-4 weeks. Pays 1 copy
upon publication. The first issue of Nerve Cowboy is due out
in Spring 1996.
the underground press, talented newcomers, and the best of academic
poetry, in a substantial, attractive package. Numbered copies of the
first edition, OR#1, still available, featuring Antler, Janet Bernichon,
Ron Wallace, Albert Huffstickler, Errol Miller, Donald Rawley, Hayley R.
Mitchell, Michael McNeilley, Virgil Hervey, and some of the last works
of Charles Bukowski. 64pp, perfect-bound, $4.95 ppd. from Olympia
Review, 3430 Pacific, Ste. A-6254, Olympia, WA 98501. 4 issues,
$12.95. Poetry, prose, art submissions accepted. Also publishes
Olympia Review Broadsides. Send $1 and a #10 SASE for
4 assorted broadsides. Email:
Enjoys harder poetry... no touchy/feely stuff, many Bukowski-influenced
writers seen here... political correctness is a joke... noticable interest
in sex poems and self-indulged flights of violence. Featuring the comic
"Christian Angst." Accepts submissions of poetry, prose and b/w art...
include two 32-cent stamps and a short bio. $5/copy; $16/4 issues.
Trades ok. Publishes lots of chaps... send SASE for list.
Editor: C Ra McGuirt, 4210 Park Ave., Nashville, TN 37209,
or contact
community can we hope to have success... PO'Fly (formerly Poetry Fly)
tries hard to express the girth of expression's mouth. Every issue features
snips of all media... visual, poetry, fiction, audio, small press,
commentary & performance. We accept submissions of all kinds...
interviews, profiles, dialogue, comics, essays, poetry, fiction
(100-2000 words), art, reviews of books, performances, mags, 'zines
(basically anything). We also publish announcements of events, calls
for entries, festivals, etc. PO'Fly, Editor: Michael Elton Crye,
PO Box 1026, Ashland, KY 41105. Sample issue, $2.
For more information, contact
Austin, TX 78751. Books by Albert Huffstickler. Autographed copies
available...just ask. SASE for information, price list and free Huff poem.
Click here for sample Huff selections.
contains short fiction, poetry, visual art, and more; available via
US Mail for $1/issue within the US ($2/issue foreign). Each issue is
at least 6+ pages of broadsheet newsprint. See also our WWW
Site at, submissions from unpublished/
alternative artists encouraged. E-mail:
from editor Tim W. Brown's mission to showcase tomorrow's writing today.
Tomorrow always is seeking work for possible publication. In the past we
have published poetry, short fiction, essays, dramatic scripts, interviews and
B/W art. We prefer to look at about five poems at a time; we are not
considering fiction at present due to over-commitments in this area. Although
we will consider any style of writing, work that we publish tends to be more
underground than academic in character. Contributors include Antler, Gina
Bergamino, Hugh Fox, Richard Kostelanetz, M.L. Liebler, Lyn Lifshin, Kay
Murphy, Charles Rammelkamp, Cheryl Townsend and Paul Weinman. Contact
Tomorrow at POB 148486, Chicago, IL 60614; e-mail:
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