While waiting for the schoolbus the kid and I discuss the limpings of Marxian theory the transitional superiority of Capitalism environmental apocalypse technology as dark horse savior the star wars force concept as metaphor for selfishness versus altruistic giving nature as the true nature of the struggle between good and evil and mercifully the bus comes before my tired middle-aged brain uses up its repertoire or the caffeine boost ebbs. This Little Yellow Schoolbus
I watch the yellow blur fade into a snow cloud and am thankful that I still can hide the truth that chaos fills every snowflake between our and the schoolbus door and that all he will have to fight it will be delusion and the love of kind people until age buggers his future so he can laughingly let his parts fall.
And I smile.
Omens in the Toybox
three boys
and bludgeoned
to death
ten feet from their bicycles.
Genitals cut from
their bodies in a park
where they played.
I thought
of their eyes
pools of terror
and then blank
like a toad's
when held belly up.
I can not fathom
the worms of madness
that eat a man's soul
and leave him pus
for dreams.
I want to look in the mad man's eyes
to see the extent of our dissolution.
I want to kiss the boy's foreheads
and tell them it was just a nightmare.
I want to cleave my rib cage and offer my heart
to the rabid, hungry Gods who tease us with love.
Crows falling dead from the sky
and everyone is afraid to look up.
My Generation
It lasted a moment
then we sold it
to ease our separate fears.
Now the air is brown
the breathing becomes hard
and we are just another generation
of hungry bugs with brains.
the planet
© 1998, Dean Creighton