Charles Bukowski should not need an introduction. He checked out of the place in 1994. You can find his stuff at any bookstore worth its salt.
Michael Estabrook also writes some of the best poetry on the planet. He lives in Massachusetts with his family.
Janet Kuypers offers an electronic version of her CHILDREN, CHURCHES AND DADDIES litzine and has a website featuringamong other thingsa good selection her work. Visit SCARS PUBLICATIONS AND DESIGN to see all of this in action.
Hans Ebner is a former Detroiter who now lives and works in Las Vegas. His slice of hellfire hereLieutenantis taken directly from his experiences during a tour of duty in Vietnam.
Michael McNeilley edits the OLYMPIA REVIEW in a town in Washington state by the same name. He also has a web site10 BY MCNof selected poems and a short story.
Dean Creighton lives in northern Michigan where he prints fine letterpress materpieces on an old Heidelberg Windmill. CATTLE BONES & COKE MACHINESan anthology of poetry on humanity's grind up against the ecosystemis available from Dean's SMILING DOG PRESS.
Robert W. Howington is the man behind DEAD MEN SITTING AT TYPEWRITERS PRESS in Fort Worth, Texas. He has a backlog of great immortal litfeaturing some of America's best unknown authorsfor sale. Go to his site and ask him about it.
Janet Bernichon is a nurse on Long Island, New York. Her poemBonesfirst appeared as a post on the now-defunct 'net poetry mail list GOD'S BAR & GRILL. Check out her PORTRAITS website.