Pilates and other Exercises:
Resources, Books, and Videos.
by J. Zimmerman.

Word of Caution (and see also"Power Pilates" by Dianne Daniels):

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Pilates Specifics

These are some of the more basic Pilates mat exercises.

For specifics, be sure to see the Pilates books and recordings listed above. Note: before exercising, be sure to do some loosening-up stretches, lying on your back with knees bent, with your spine in neutral. They include:

  1. Breathing with neutral spine.

  2. Shoulder shrugs.

  3. Shoulder slaps. Reach your straight arms upward, lifting your shoulder blades off the lap, then letting them slap on your mat.

  4. Arm reaches/arm circles. Reach your straight arms upward, back beside your ears, outward, down by your sides, then upward again.

  5. Coccyx Curls.

  6. Tiny steps. Exhaling, pull your navel to your spine and lift your right knee to your chest.
    Inhale, holding the position.
    Exhaling, pull your navel toward your spine and bring your right bent leg back to the mat.
    Repeat with alternate legs.

  7. Upper abnominal curls.

  8. Hip-Up.

  9. C Curve Roll Down Prep.
    (1) Inhale, holding outsides of thighs near knees, sit tall.
    (2) Exhale, pulling navel to spine and hollowing lower belly to make a C curve of your lower back. Begin rolling down your spine, so your lower back presses the mat.
    (3) Inhale.
    (4) Exhale and press your back into the mat while keeping the C curve and returning to sitting on your tailbone, but now your head is at your knees.
    (5) Inhale and stack your spine vertically.
    (6) Exhale while sitting tall.

  10. Modified Rolling like a Ball. In these preliminaries, wrap the hands around the outside of the thighs (instead of holding the shins). This exercise combines Hip-Up and Balance Point (Teaser Prep)

Different programs suggest ten or a dozen basic Pilates mat exercises, doing between 4 and 9 repetitions. Unless otherwise specified, begin by lying on your back with knees bent, with your spine in neutral. Usually the exercises include many of the following:

  1. Balance Point (Teaser Prep).
    Basically a Coccyx Curl with your feet off the floor.

  2. Bridge.
    Breathe in deeply, pulling your navel toward your spine, squeeze your lower butt muscles, flatten your lower back on the mat. Lift up your tailbone so that you form a straight line from shoulders to knees; this is the Bridge position.

  3. Coccyx Curls.
    Breathe in deeply, pulling your navel toward your spine, squeeze your lower butt muscles, flatten your lower back on the mat. Roll up your tailbone slowly so that after 5 seconds you form a straight line from shoulders to knees; this is the Bridge position.

  4. Double-leg stretch.

  5. Hip-Up.
    Put arms above your head (by ears) is you have enough abdominal strength to handle this. Lie on your back with legs bent up in the air, and feet crossed.
    Inhale and rock back, pulling your navel toward your spine as you lift your hips off the mat, so that your knees are above your eyes.
    Exhale, pulling in belly and lowering your hips.

  6. Hundred.

  7. Rising Swan.

  8. Roll Down, which the book calls a beginning version of the Roll Up.

  9. Rolling like a Ball.

  10. Roll Up.

  11. Saw.

  12. Seal.

  13. Side Kicks.

  14. Single-leg Circle.

  15. Single-leg stretch.

  16. Spine Stretch.

  17. Upper Abdominal Curls.
    Pull your navel in toward your spine. Lift head. Roll up (as if squeezing a small orange beneath your chin), till your shoulder blades are just off the mat.


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