Golightly LR Chalice of Caerlin CD, NA, NAJ

Born December 09 2001.
BISS Ch. Kyrovs Confeti N Fiz Lereau x Ch. Golightly Chatelaine SC.
Bred by Marcella Zobel and Ruth Herrmann.

Chalice aka Cholley is the latest addition here. She enjoys obedience, agility and has two 2nd placements in Sweepstakes. She’s always busy and Belle and Éclair enjoy playing with her. Like Éclair she loves to catch the Frisbee. She will go straight racing this year.

Cholley was shown at the Santa Cruz show in August 2003. This was her first time in Open and she went Winners Bitch and Best Opposite over a Special. She has beautiful, sound floating movement with a lot of reach and drive. As of January 04 she has been shown three times winning each time.

Thank you Marcella for this beautiful borzoi.