Mark Primack
Mardi Wormhoudt

Steve Argue
Phil Baer
Dave Eselius
Tim Fitzmaurice
Aldo Giacchino
Thomas Leavitt
Greg Lopez
Cynthia Mathews
Jeromy McMillan
Mike Rotkin

Connie Thomasser
Karen Woblesky

To contact Jeromy McMillan


Jeromy McMillan

Candidate's Bio and  Statement:

My name is Jeromy McMillan.

My family has lived here all of our lives. My grandmother is Mexican American and came to this country when she was 9 years old. My grandmother has lived in Santa Cruz since she was 17 years old. She is now 89 years old.

I was born here at Dominican Hospital and have lived here ever since. There are a lot of matters that need attention. That is why I am running in this race to begin with.

I have a lot of good ideas that I am not afraid to execute. You want crime to go away. I want to make that happen. You want the prostitution to go away, I want that even more. My mother will no longer go downtown anymore. Gang members, drugs, homeless and prostitution have forced us out.

It is time for us, the community, to ban together to get this place back to the way it used to be. We need to make this place, we all call home, safer, more fun, and a place that you and I would be proud to call home.

It all starts with you. Your vote will make the difference. I don’t have experience, but I do have the drive and really good ideas. I don’t believe that we need to impose more taxes to balance the budget. We need more Police Officers on the street. More undercover officers making stings. Better education for our children with a ‘safe’ learning environment.

I don’t know why our schools have not been on the highest topics, but when I was going to school, drugs were easy to come by. It must be a lot easier to get now. It has to be addressed immediately. There is no price tag for our children’s safety.

The flats are another place that needs to be addressed. People from all over the country come here to spend their money, they should not have to be walking around an unsafe town. If the Police Department needs more officers, than so be it. I believe that punishments should be harsher when it comes to crimes in concert.

Example: Gang Beatings. If one person breaks a bone then all should be charged with breaking the bone just for being involved and/or encouraging it.

I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have.

Jeromy McMillan

To contact Jeromy McMillan:

Phone Number:831-426-7218


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