The Myth. The Legends. Harps, Maidens and Trans-species Experiences....

Let's peek inside the Brugh and see what Boyann's Boy has been up to...

The only known painting. Title: Angus Og. Artist: John Duncan. Painting Date: 1908. Medium: Oil on canvas. Size: 60 x 40 in. Location: National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland

(Man, this dude is even whiter than I am. Love the Roger Daltrey hair though!)

The texts. After reading each use the 'back' button to return to this page.

  • Our boy in 62 words
  • A Teeny Correspondance Table (Do Aengus, Osiris and Krishna ever crack a few beers together?)
  • The Famous (and short!) Poem by Yeats "I went out to the hazel wood / because a fire was in my head" (perhaps the Hazelwood 7-11 stocks Ibuprofen?)

    Additional tales of Angus Mac Og: