Welcome to Angusland!
What's your pleasure: Legend or reality? Mythical or factual? Choose your realm....
Angus Mac Og, the myth. click HERE for songs and lore | Angus McMahan, the person. See below for the real deal. |
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Update 4/16/07: So I am a Blogger now. I got picked up by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer as an official 'Reader Blog', and it's been a whole lotta fun. Go check out ANGTIME!
Update 4/16/08: More photos are up, including some of my photos of the Great Peace March. Please check out the first five albums. And let me know what'cha think! Check it Out!
What's up with the band-of-many-names? Let's See.
Angus' Columns, Articles, Flights of Fancy, and other Writings.
Dude! I got hitched! Come check out the audacious nuttiness that was the Pirate Handfasting!
Whats in a name? Angus McMahan, A/K/A Robert Latham. We name names...
A short (I swear!) Bio sketch, with pictures
More photos of me
Help me deconstruct my slapstick absurdist DREAMS.
Contact Info Dropping me a line, please.
Links. Good ones, I swear!