Wacky Ass Dreams

Straight from my subconscious to the keyboard...

Dream: Coded Drakes (8/17/05)

Our new house, The Freaky Tiki, is located next to a walled-in creek, which is a haven for ducks. The are active at dawn, and I can hear them from my bedroom window. In the dream all of the odd little sounds they made were forming a sort of pattern. They were speaking in code! And I could understand it! What I wrote down when I woke up was just 'long, long, short, long. short, short, long. and so on. It took me a while at work to figure out what I was looking at. Here is the same info written another way:

--.- / ..- / .- / -.-. / -.-

Very good! It's Morse code, which my Father knew (he was a brass pounder in the Coast Guard). I have no knowledge of Morse, aside from the one piece that we all know: ...---... (SOS). Anyhoo. What were the ducks saying to each other in Morse code? --.- / ..- / .- / -.-. / -.- translates into 'quack'.

I worry about myself sometimes.

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