Photos of Angus

Here are some photos of moi.

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1967, age 2. Checkout the dog clipper buzzcut.

And did everyone have these butt-ugly chairs back then?

1968, Age 3. Easter Sunday Stylin'!

(Love the loose bricks and old copper "bookcase" behind me.)

Would like some shirt with those lapels, Sir? Age 5: Making a bundt cake for a school competition. Only boy to enter and I won. Ergo, This made me an outcast with everybody.

(And those curtains. Was everybody on drugs in 1970?)

1979, Pre-braces.1978, Age 13. I'm guessing from my Gumby shoulders that we just lost. My Dad, cigarette in hand, is undoubtedly telling me "You lost, but you didn't get beat." (*sigh*)

1982, age 17. Putting the hurtin' down. My guess is poor 15 made fun of my snazzy wristbands.High School graduation. Oh. The. Seriousness. Of. Life.

1983, age 18. Dancing with Cathy Osgood at my Sister's wedding.1985, age 20. Oh. The. Seriousness. Of. Life.

1987, age 22. With Biddy at Disneyland.1988. Goatee for an hour as I shave for Domino's Pizza.

1991, age 26. Enter the Mullet.1992. Disneyland again.

1994, Age 30. Thanksgiving for Willow and I came out of a bearbox, in Yosemite, in the rain. Fun!1995. RenFaire. Damn, whatever happened to that dragonclaw goblet?

Photo Shoot for the Quazimojo Album. Not quite sure what look I'm going for here....1995. Oh, I am SO excited to be the best man at another one of my Dad's weddings.

2003. Some days are just made for wearing an inflatable snake on your head.Chef Without Pants.

2004, Age 39. The Formal Victorian Samhain.2006, Captain General Angus gets married.

December, 2006. Not sure what look I'm going for here.2007, Age 41. About to go on stage at Mykey's epic birthday bonanza.

Well, that oughta do it for now, don't ya think?

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