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" It'll be an great opportunity to find out how brakes work." [Ron]
" Of course, it is happening inside your head, Harry. But why should that mean it is not real?" [Dumbledore] |
Fortunately for lovers of verbal Magic, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) gives us lessons in use of:
Harry Potter Book 7's
Curse, spell, jinx, charm | Chapter where first used
[in square brackets if mentioned rather than used at first appearance] |
Accio [object] | [Ch. 4.] |
Aguamenti | Ch. 11. |
Alohomora | Ch. 10. |
Appartion: side-along | [Ch. 3.] |
Atmospheric Charm. Alters the weather. | [Ch. 12.] |
Avada Kedavra | Ch. 1. |
Body-Bind Curse. | [Ch. 31.] |
Caterwauling Charm. | [Ch. 28.] |
Cave Inimicum (protection) | Ch. 14. |
Confingo | Ch. 4. |
Confundo (the Confundus charm). | [Ch. 1.] Ch. 26. |
Crucio (the Cruciatus Curse) | [Ch. 11.] Ch. 23 (Bellatrix applies to Hermione). Ch 30: Harry's first use. |
Defendo (unties ropes) | Ch. 9. |
Defodio (gouging spell) | Ch. 26. |
Deprimo (Hermione blasts a hole in the sitting-room floor) | Ch. 21. |
Descendo | Ch. 6. |
Diffindo | Ch. 9. |
Disapparate | [Ch. 5.] |
Disillusionment charm | [Ch. 4.] Ch. 24. |
Duro. | [Ch. 32.] Turns something to stone. |
Engorgio | Ch. 20. |
Erecto | Ch. 14. |
Expecto Patronum | Ch. 13. |
Expelliarmus | Ch. 4. |
Expulso | Ch. 9. |
Fidelius charm. Embeds a secret in a Secret Keeper. | [Ch. 6.] |
Fiendfyre. (Destroys Horcruxes.) | Ch. 31. |
Finite Incantatem. Ends a hex or a curse. | [Ch. 12.] |
Flagrante Curse. | [Ch. 26.] Whatever is so cursed will burn to the touch. |
[Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration:
five Principal Exceptions, the first being food.] | [Ch. 15.] |
Geminio | [Ch. 13.] |
Glisseo. (Flattens stairs into a chute.) | Ch. 32. |
Homenum Revelio | Ch. 9. |
Hover charm | [Ch. 17.] |
Impedimenta (jinx) | Ch. 4. |
Imperio. The Imperius Curse (one of the unforgivables) | [Ch. 1.] Ch 26: Harry's first use. |
Impervius. | [Ch. 12.] Ch. 26. |
Liberacorpus | Ch. 26. |
Levicorpus | Ch. 26. |
Lumos | Ch. 10. |
[Meteolojinx Recanto] Undoes meteorology jinx. | Ch. 13. |
Muffliato | Ch. 7. |
Nox (Harry extinguishes the light of his wand. | Ch. 32. |
Obliviate | Ch. 9. |
Obscuro | Ch. 15. |
Petrificus totalus | Ch. 9. |
Piertotum Locomotor. | Ch. 30. (McGonagall brings statues and suits of armor to life.) |
Polyjuice Potient. | [Ch. 4.] |
Port Key. | [Ch. 4.] |
Prior Incantatem. | [Ch. 24.] |
Protective Charm. | [Ch. 4.] Ch. 22: Cave Inimicum; Protego Totalum; Salvio Hexia; |
Protego (protect), a Shield Charm. | Ch. 9. |
Protego Horribilis (protection) | Ch. 30. |
Protego Totalum (totally protect) | Ch. 14. |
something ch 9 blew up a table | Ch. 9. |
Reducio | Ch. 20. |
Relashio | Ch. 13. |
Reparo | Ch. 4. |
Repello Muggletum (protection) | Ch. 14. |
Salvio Hexia (protection) | Ch. 14. |
Sectumsempra ("always a speciality of Snapes") | Ch. 5. |
Severing charm | [Ch. 17.] |
Shield Charm | Ch. 6. |
Severing Charm. | Ch. 17. (Hermione removed Horcrux stuck to Harry.) |
Skele-Gro. | Ch. 24. (Healing potion used by Fleur.) |
Sticking charm. | Ch. 10. |
Stinging Jinx. | Ch. 23. (Hermione applied to Harry for disguising his face.) |
Stupefy | Ch. 4. |
Supersensory Charm. | [Epilogue.] |
Tergeo | Ch. 6 (Ron cleans a hanky somewhat). Ch. 17 (Harry dusts photos). |
Thestrel | Ch. 4. |
Veritaserum. | Ch. 18. (Potion that Rita Skeeter claims to have administered to make Bathilda Bagshore tell the "truth".) |
Wingardium Leviosa | Ch. 4. |
Further evidence of J. K. Rowling's sense of humor: the dragons in Harry Potter books are named after Dragonflies!
Check books like the marvelous Dragonflies and Damselflies of California (California Natural History Guides, 72) by Tim Manolis. For example, the yellow-and-black ringed dragonfly with the yellow forehead, seen on the July in Big Basin State Park: probably the Pacific Spiketail (Cordulegaster dorsalis).
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth in J. K. Rowling's enthralling series, takes us through Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The O.W.L. results arrive and plans are adjusted.
In addition to the core characters, with the Fred and George and their thriving WWW (Weaseleys' Wizard Wheezes) joke shop, one of whose windows advertises:
More peripheral favorites return like pink-haired Tonks and the silver-haired Fleur (or Phlegm as Hermione and Ginny call her). Neville and Luna are there, though more as afterthoughts; I could have done with a bit more of them, but am grateful for at least hearing Luna as a Quidditch commentator. Draco is back, and startlingly inept, which keeps him mysteriously busy for most of the school year.
New characters include:
Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Libro 1) por J. K. Rowling, Alicia Dellepiane.
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© 2003-2016 by J. Zimmerman,
except for all spells which (if they are anyone's) are Copyright © 1997-2015 by J.K. Rowling. |