260 Fifteenth Avenue Santa Cruz CA 95062 (831)
Sit and Knit (2008). 3 x 2 7/8 inches. (The clamshell box is 3.5 by 3.25)
The text is a short quote by William Howitt about folk art knitting in rural England. The book has hand written/calligraphed text, an opening initial letter painted with gold, and four miniature knitting samples, including "aran cables" and "fair isles" (which Donna knitted for the book) stitched in a window created between two pages. The paper was made by Peter Thomas. The binding is a kind of accordion, one Donna developed and now calls the woven spine binding. Knitting needles are used to hold together the piano hinge spine. Full leather binding, with leather onlay of knitting swatch, with metal knitting needles inserted. Clamshell box. Number 1 of 2 unique copies. $425.