The inner experiences of rocks and water differ so greatly from human
experiences that merging minds with such entities is bound to be confusing
and unsatisfactory for both parties. Rocks and water can wait: the first
and easiest minds for humans to merge with are other minds like their own.
Some scientists will find lab partners eager to explore the terra incognita
of deep human intimacy while others will decide that the experience of mind
merge is not to their liking. Some will confine their 2 = 1 experimentations
to purely mental unions while others will expand their sexual horizons by
the addition of mind merge to their erotic repertoire. Indeed some people
already report that certain episodes of ordinary sexual union have produced
for them what seem to be brief anticipations of the 2 = 1 experience we
hope to routinely generate some day with Wordsworth Machines. For many of
our less physically inhibited physicists, the field of quantum sexuality
will provide one of the richest and most accessible avenues of research
into 2 = 1 science. I predict that quantum sex workers--and quantum sex
players---will stumble across many fundamentally new and unexpected natural
phenomena whose discoverers you will honor here at this same podium at which
you are today honoring me.
See also:
A Nobel for Nick
Stanford Grad Indicted for War Crimes
First Quantum Human Sighted
Jabir Proposes Middle East Peace Plan
Jabir's Final Solution for Peace in Palestine
Weapon X--the Ultimate Atrocity