SLV School District Perspectives


General Information

School Board Meetings

Budget Info

School Closures

Recall Election

Analysis and Discussion


2003-2004 Budget Cuts

One year ago, when looking forward to the making up a budget for the current school year, we were trying to imagine how to make up a 1.5 million dollar shortfall. Unhappily, with the California State budget crisis, it turned out to be much more. Although Measure A, if it had passed, would have mitigated much of it, we were left with the following cuts:

- 11 teachers took the district up on their offer of early retirement. Since these were the most experienced and highly-paid teachers, this saved the district quite a lot, plus prevented having to lay off any of the certificated teaching staff.

- 2 schools were closed, saving approximately $775,000. This included laying off 24 employees.

- Class sizes in grades 4-6 were increased to 33, in grades 7-8 to 34, and in secondary PE to 45

- Stipends were reduced by 20% to the following programs: sports, special education, academic leadership, and student activities

- Counseling staff was reduced at the Jr. High and High Schools

- Administration was reduced in both the District Office and High School

- Tech support funding from the general fund was eliminated

- Funding for instructional supplies from the general fund was eliminated

- Healthy Start contribution from District was eliminated (saved $25,000)

- Management reorganization saved $75,000

- SPECTRA funding eliminated

- District office supplies reduced by $5,000

- Reduced food service subsidy

- Eliminated one custodial position

- Reduction in grades 7-12 supervision

- Board reduced $40,000 to pay for school nurse

- Conferences reduced $3000

- Superintendent's budget reduced $15,000

In addition, the Packard Foundation notified us that our arts grant would have a further reduction this year. This means that there will be no 4th-6th grade instrumental program, and no arts program, other than what the classroom teachers provide. There are two programs left that the Packard Foundation is supporting: the 4th-6th grades classroom music program, and the secondary choral program.

- Field trips reduced by $2000