SLV School District Perspectives


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School Board Meeting Synopsis

January 5, 2005

Link To SLVUSD Web site Agendas and Minutes Page (Note: These are PDF files - read this if you have trouble opening them). Minutes are posted after they are approved, usually at the next regular meeting.

Note from Laura About These Synopses (Basically, I report on what I think will be most interesting to community residents. Consult the minutes for a more complete listing of what happened in the meeting.)

Performance - SLVHS Advanced Music Class (unfortunately, I missed this but I hear it was a wonderful performance of original music.)

Recognition - SLVHS Cross Country Team - Mr. Collins, the coach of the Girls' Cross-Country Team was present, and introduced our girls who won the State Championship! Hurray, and congratulations to Allison Deane, Lindsey Deane, Stephanie Hamilton, Cara Hoyt, Taylor Johnson, Chelsea Swerdfeger, and Rachel Williams.

Closed Session

The board had a report of a closed session which was held on December 15, 2004, which was an expulsion hearing. An unnamed student was expelled for the rest of the school year.

Community Input

There was no general community input at this meeting.

Superintendent's Report

- The elementary schools are discussing the possibility of late start days, which would be coordinated with the late starts at the Jr. High and High Schools.

- Ben Lomond Market has donated $27,000 to the schools in our district for technology.

- Lynn Chappell, principal of BCE, was named Educator of the Year in the Valley Post - congratulations, Ms. Chappell!

Organizational Updates/Announcements

SLV High School students have begun a fundraising drive for tsunami relief, and are already making progress.


Ms. Haff discussed a memo from the County Office of Education proposing a Legal Consortium for the county school districts. This was discussed by the board and questions raised. If it turns out that it will be a cost-saving measure, the board was generally positive towards the idea. It will come up as an action item when the plan is firmed up by the County Office of Education.

The board also discussed having a workshop to brainstorm areas of focus for the board this year.

Meeting was adjourned at around 7 PM, when the board moved to the conference room to continue their work on board policies. These workshops have been taking place after most meetings, and are also public, but I haven't been attending these meetings after the first one, when I decided that they would not be of general interest. Any major changes will be voted on at the regular meeting.