SLV School District Perspectives


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School Board Meeting Synopsis

July 29, 2003 - Special Meeting

Link To SLVUSD Web site Agendas and Minutes Page (Note: These are PDF files - read this if you have trouble opening them). Minutes are posted after they are approved, usually at the next regular meeting.

The board had no report out of closed session, which was listed on the agenda as follows:

Conference with Legal Counsel - Pending Litigation (What is this?)
Government Code: section 54956.9 (b)(1)(3)(c) (What is this?)

Claimants: SLV CARES, Michelle Hooker, L. Crews McCulloch, Janice Marshall, and Martin McKendry Vs San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District

Community Input

Janice Marshall (Boulder Creek) said she takes exception to the wording appearing above. She said that what is happening is not litigation, but an "Administrative Appeal for Cure or Correction".

Action Items

Handicapped Ramp and Restroom Remodel at Boulder Creek Elementary - The only item on the agenda had to do with approving a bid to put in a ramp and remodel a restroom at BCE. Bryan Loehr told about the bidding and approval process.

Background: Any time there is renovation, including bringing in portable classrooms, a certain amount of handicapped accessibility must be added (it is recognized that the cost of bringing a site totally up to code would usually be prohibitive). This would have been done 8 years ago when portables were brought in, but ADA codes were not being as strictly enforced at that time, at least in regards to bringing in portables. In this case, the paved pathways from the upper to lower areas at BCE are not considered to be accessible, and so a ramp must be installed. Regrettably, the only way to accomplish this is to remove several trees and landscaping, as the current pathway is too steep and narrow to install a ramp there. It has been suggested that grafts or cuttings be taken from the present trees, and that they be rooted and replanted.

The construction companies who submitted bids are on the list of approved companies - no additional reference checking was felt to be needed. One bid was for $174,000 (Bustichi Construction) and the other for $163,580 (Kase Pacific Construction). Other local companies were contacted, but were not available within the needed timeframe.

It was ascertained that accessibility requirements are an appropriate use of bond money. Also, when the more major renovation occurs, this will "count" towards the accessibility modifications that will be needed to be made at that time.

As there seemed to be no way to distinguish the two companies other than bidding price, Kase Pacific Construction, the lowest bidder, was awarded the construction bid. The company has agreed that fingerprint records will be kept on file for all workers who will be on the site when children are present.

The plan is for the major portion of the excavation to be finished before the start of school, and that the whole project will be completed by September 10. The construction company has agreed to a $250 per day penalty if this does not turn out to be the case. In the meantime, staff will individually assist any child with accessibility needs.

Community Input

Community members from Boulder Creek got up to say that:

- References should be checked on the companies even though they've been "pre-approved".

- If Boulder Creek Elementary had been closed, a new ramp would not be needed at this time.

- A request was made for a list of committees and committee openings in the district. This will be furnished at the next meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:38!

Comments from Laura:

- Two board members (Jeff Bidmon and Barbara Sprenger) were on vacation when this special meeting was called. Therefore Susan Weber, the Clerk, ran the meeting.

- To be fair, I feel I must point out that if Redwood Elementary had remained open, similar ADA issues would have been triggered. At a minimum, the upper field would have to be made accessible, most likely with a ramp.

- It was a strange feeling to go home so early!