Other oddities
Stuff too weird for any publication
Best Cellar My washer went down for a while, and I was forced to hang out at the Ultramat and eat pastries once a week. I quickly resolved to use this strange and unique time to create something really bizarre. So, over the course of a couple of months I wrote an epic poem. I think it came out rather well. I was aiming for Poe, but ended up more on the order of Dr. Seuss. Oh well. Cat in the vat.
quiddler Quiddler is like Scrabble® with cards. It's great fun, and you end up with some wonderful words at the end of evening. So Makai writes them all down and hands the list to me at the end of the night and says "Here. Make a story." So on a loooong cross country flight, I did.
My first movie review. I tackled Troy. Well, actually I tackled it, wrestled it to the ground and beat the stuffing out of it. Pour me a cup of vitriol, this one gets ug--ly. (Update: This one actually appeared at the Bird-Brains site, for maybe a day or two, before they got cold feet. {bwa-ha-ha.} Might still be in their archives somewhere.)
My First video game review. No, I don't know what possessed me either. Seemed like a good idea......anyway, this one was picked up by Game Lemon even though the game in question is like 9 years old and wasn't even that good. Check out my deconstruction on Quest64
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